My name is Bill Horner. My mob are the Mulgowi Clan also called Darug People. My great grandfather is Jim Cooney and my great grandmother is Jane Warpole. They had 12 children. My grand father is Joseph Russell Horner and my grand mother is Ester Pearle Cooney. My father is Joseph Henry Horner and my mother is Hazel May Southey.
I would be happy to find out any other relevant information about my ancestors so please if you know something kindly send me an email with the details.
The Amateur Radio boring bit:
To get my ham license I was very fortunate to have a great CW teacher in Alf Hanson VK4OL who was a genius at teaching the great art of CW to many students. My theory teacher was Trevor Sherrard VK4ATS who was instrumental in getting many students a license. Both of these esteemed gentlemen were staunch members of the Brisbane North Radio Club Inc.
Since getting first licensed in 1987 as VK4MWZ, I finally upgraded my license to VK4CRR and then to VK4FW. Along the way I have managed to meet my dx elmer in Harry Mead VK4DHM/VK2BJL. Harry was an incredible person who for the most part was before his time in many respects. His personal exploits all over the Pacific Islands as well as Spratley Islands will forever be remembered by many. He was the sole reason I got into dxing to the point that I wanted to be on the other side of the pile up.
My first attempt was to Lord Howe Island as VK9LD in 1992 with Len Holbrok VK8DK. From there with the help of Kerry Viney VK4MZ, Vince Thompson K5VT, Murray Adams WA4DAN, Harry Mead and others I managed to put an international team together and head in Mellish Reef in 1993 as VK9MM. After that I continued to be involved in a dxpedition with Bob Wyn W5KNE to Christmas Island in 1993 as VK9XO.
My next dxpedition was to Cocos Keeling Island as VK9CT in 1996 . Then came Willis Island in 1998 as VK9WM and VK9WY with another international group. I then went to New Caledonia in 2000 as FK/VK4FW with the help of FK8HC and FK8GM. Yet another trip to Lord Howe Island in 2004 as VK9LA, before going to Norfolk Island with an international crew as VI9NI in 2006. I had realised my dream of becoming the first person to be active from all the VK9 call areas and I could never have achieved this without the express help of so many including NCDXF, INDEXA, DDXG, LADXG and others. Again in 2009 I went back to Lord Howe Island with an international group as VK9LA.
Next major dxpedition was to 3D2T and T2T back to back with some other great dxpeditioners including VK4AN, W5SL, NL8F, VK4NEF and K4ZLE. Tuvalu is certainly an interesting place but not for the feint hearted.
As a QSL Manager I am also very proud to be accepted into The QSL Managers Society. I recently answered my 1 millionth qsl card.
From time to time I am also active with VK8MM mainly from Groote Eylandt OC-141 when I go visiting my grand children.
I have also managed to operate from the following IOTA areas...... OC : 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 007, 015, 016, 032, 033, 072, 137, 141, 142, 160, 171, 172 and 194.
I have had the great pleasure in my time to meet some of the most brilliant operators from around the world.
Some of the more note able ones include: 3D2DD, 7K3EOP, DJ9ZB, FK8GM, FK8HC, FK8HW, G3WGV, H44MS, IK6CAC, IV3FSG, IZ2ESV, JE1LET, JF1IST, JH1AJT, JR5XPG, K0IR, K4ZLE,K5VT, K5YY, K6KM, N2OO, NL8F, OH1TX, P29DX, SM5AQD, V73C, VE7NS, VK1TX, VK1ZZ, VK4DHM/VK2BJL, VK2CA, VK3EW, VK3HJ, VK4AN, VK4ATS, VK4BX, VK4EOZ, VK4ME, VK4MR, VK4MZ, VK4NEF, VK4OL, VK4SS, VK6NKG, VK8AV, VK8DK, W4AOU, W5KNE, W5SL, WA1S, WA4DAN, XE2GV and ZL1AMO just to name a few.
This photo is of the 2009 VK9LA team.
Team members are
This team managed to make 30,160 qsos at the worst sunspot minima for over 80 years. I am eternally grateful to all who made this trip possible and believe that team members can hold their heads high for this achievement.